Warrior Cats Wiki Squirrelflight
When they were broken up Squirrelflight was mates with Ashfur.
Warrior cats wiki squirrelflight. Ashfur was a ThunderClan warrior under Firestars and briefly Graystripes leaderships in forest and the lake territories. As an apprentice Squirrelpaw was mentored by Dustpelt. He sends Squirrelflight Brambleclaw Hollypaw Jaypaw Lionpaw Brook and Stormfur.
54 moons 45 years Kit- Squirrelkit Apprentice- Squirrelpaw Warrior- Squirrelflight Queen- Squirrelflight Deputy-Squirrelflight Mates-Ashfur formerly Bramblestar Mother-Sandstorm Father-Firestar Sister-Leafpool Foster Sons. Warrior cats The ANIMATED Series is a TV show that premiered on Cartoon Network on June 3rd 2005 with the first episode titled Into the Wild Based on the first few chapters of the first book of the same name. He has short thick fur and a torn ear.
He is angered when his old friend Onestar attacks ThunderClan and sends a patrol to fight them. Their relationship started when they journeyed to find a new home for the clans together. She has one white paw.
It is said that Ashkit and his sister Frenkit are Brindleface children. When Fireheart brings his nephew Cloudkit to ThunderClan Brindleface chooses to. Only a small tuft of fur and his tail-tip have white fur.
Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight are mates. When Ashfur was an imposter Squirrielflight wrongly think that he was his mate Bramblestar. Suirrelflight is a dark ginger She cat with green eyes.
They got in a fight and briefly broke up. This page contains a fan fiction written by MosswiskerStealthfire. Ravenpaw left ThunderClan to live with another loner named Barley at the Barn.