Food Chain And Food Web Quiz

Food Chain and Food Web Quiz Answer Key Name.
Food chain and food web quiz. To play this quiz please finish editing it. Food Chains Quiz 1 has key stage 2 science questions about food chains. Food Chains and Food Webs.
Terms in this set 15 Food chain. For webquest or practice print a copy of this quiz at the Earth Science. Food chains and food webs.
Food Chain webquest print page. A food chain shows the dependency of organisms on other organisms as a source of food. Composers consumers and reproducers c.
Another name for a plant eater is. An organism that eats both plant and animal matter is called the. Consumers scavengers and parasites 2.
Energy flow primary productivity. Apex predators and fungi have been considered in the past to be at the top of the food chain. Which of these is not a producer.
Did you understand the topic of food chains and food webs correctly. Producers consumers and decomposers b. Biology is brought to you with support from the Amgen Foundation.